Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I don't have much to say about weddings. I only wish I had some thoughts worth mentioning about them. But until I figure out my place in all that, I'll at least write down a thought I'd had on honeymoons. That is, one should be quite wary about having a honeymoon lasting more than two weeks.

The "two weeks" is somewhat arbitrary. But the point is, for example, if you have a one-month honeymoon than one of two (bad) things are likely to happen:
  1. You will have a terrible time. You will get on each others' nerves, and it'll only serve to bring doubt to your mind about the marriage. And this will be in spite of the fact that a couples' average existence isn't at all dealing with each other 24-7.
  2. You will have a great time. This is actually bad because you very probably won't have another one of these one-month jaunts until you both retire -- and that won't be for decades! So despite the great marriage-affirming trip, you won't be able to experience it again until who knows when.
The good news about situation #1 is that, just like with #2, you won't have another one of those one-month trips until who knows when. But won't that bad memory still stick with you both? And with situation #2, you will both just sit waxing nostalgic about that month for a long time.

Ergo, the best way to avoid both situations is to limit your honeymoon to two weeks. You can find out what's it like to live with your life partner when you turn 65.


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